Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Headshot for M

Headshots are almost always fun to shoot and M. was no exception. I had her outside in the Chicago wind, inside with skylights and in the studio with lighting. It was a long session but we got a lot of different looks for her to choose from. I'm showing a few of the one's I like. Enjoy!

Friday, May 15, 2009

What's New

There is a lot to tell that's new. I closed the retail photo studio in Lincoln Park and moved to a loft in Lakeview. The new studio space is bigger and nicer. I'm still putting the final touches on it but I'm feeling right at home here. In the middle of the move I broke my arm and was unable to shoot for six weeks but I was able to get my taxes done early this time. Thank goodness that only rolls around once a year.
Another big milestone was Stella (oldest daughter) getting into the school of her choice. It's been a lot of hard work on her part and a lot of support on my part. It's going to be very hard in the fall to let her go. I am so proud of Stella!

Back to studio news. The website is close to being finished. The best feature of the new site is that I'll be able to update it at any time. So now there will be no excuse for changing photos and keeping the site fresh and current. Speaking of current, I'd like to share some shots I did yesterday of a cute 6 week old. The mom was so worried he would not cooperate but he was such an angel. I love the little bottom!

I have a lot of new samples I'll be listing on this blog so be sure to visit me again soon!
